Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001
Subject: Throw Your Nets Again
Dear Ethan & Emily:
There are times in our lives when we fail at something…albeit even good things…and we never try again. But when Jesus choose Simon Peter and his business partners in the fish business, James and John, He displayed so very well the principle that “never'” never means “never”…not when God is in it!
“I could never do that,”
“I can’t do it…I’ve tried,”
“I’m giving up,”
“There’s no business out there,”
“I’m a failure…and not good at anything!”
Do you find yourself saying such things? If so…and we have all done so at times…keep in mind Peter’s response when Jesus told him to go back out from the shore in his boat and cast his nets again.
Now remember…the fishermen were washing their nets and cleaning up after having worked all night. I’m sure the last thing these men wanted to do was to get all the gear out and go fishing again! Peter reminded the Lord: ” ‘We worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. BUT IF YOU SAY SO, we’ll TRY AGAIN.’ (I wonder what they said as they moved out from shore out of hearing range where Jesus could not hear them? They probably said, “This is crazy….what a waste of time!) But the important thing to remember is that whatever they said, they at least responded in obedience to what Jesus had asked them to do, and in so doing, they set the pattern for success for all of us today in whatever endeavor He asks of us.
And what happened? “…this time their nets were so full they began to tear!” (v. 6)…so much so that Peter had to have his partners come out for help, and they filled up both boats with so many fish that the boats almost sank! We are told, Peter was AWESTRUCK by the size of their catch, as were the others with him.” (v. 9)
And what was Peter’s response (and this is an example for all of us when God blesses us)? First thing…”he fell to his knees before Jesus…” (v. 8) in humble adoration. Next…he “left everything” and “followed (Him).” (v. 11).
Three things to learn here: First, fully understand that ALL things are possible with God. Second, get a real grip on the realization that you can experience “awesome” things in your life by simply obeying what God tells you to do. Don’t sell yourself short…what God can accomplish in your life is beyond your capability to understand. Just obey…and DO what He tells you to do…He’ll take care of the results. And thirdly, when God blesses us, the first and best response is to give thanks…and then to take the “next step” following Him in willing and submissive obedience.
Wow, what a passage! My prayer for each of you is the same as I remind myself each day…that whatever God tells us to do…let we always respond as Peter did:
“OooooooooooooooK!….if you say so, Lord…Throw the Nets Again!
Have a wonderful day.