Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001
Subject: LWOBS
Good Morning Emily & Ethan:
LWOBS? Let me explain….
Joshua is one of my favorite Old Testament persons. After the military campaigns to conquer the promised land, he addressed the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh and gave them their final “marching orders” for living as he released them to go back to the lands assigned to them on the east side of the Jordan River:
Joshua gave them all they needed to be successful in life…summed up as follows:
“(L)ove the Lord your God, (W)alk in all His ways, (O)bey His commands, (B)e faithful to Him, and (S)erve Him with all your heart and all your soul.” Joshua 22:5
There you have it: LWOBS!
And the progression is what is interesting and important: Living for the Lord all starts with loving Him. Without this, nothing else matters or counts. If we really do love Him, we will walk in His ways (a conscious and deliberate act of the will)…and in so walking we will obey Him. As we obey Him, we are faithful to Him and His Word…and in being faithful we will serve Him fully and totally in accordance with His will without hesitation and regret.
May He find us all faithful….
Have a great day,